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Chris Deco

Chris Deco, your designer and interior designer in Lens, realizes the interior and exterior decoration of your home. Embellish your rooms (living room, bedroom, dining room, …) and your furniture (table, chair, lighting lamp, …) to give them a unique style and design. Enhance the interior and exterior of your home by benefiting from works created by your contemporary designer Christophe Coupé (paintings, works of art, statuette, …). Solicit your designer and interior designer for interior and exterior home decoration in Nord Pas-de-Calais in Lille, Calais, Valenciennes, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Bethune, Arras, Douai, Armentières, Cambrai and their surroundings.

With 30 years of experience, your interior designer in Lens takes care of the decoration and the redecoration of your home according to your desires and by using its know-how. His job as an interior and exterior designer as well as his skills allow to proceed to the creation of specific works of art in order to operate the interior and exterior decoration of your house. You will be able to arrange your rooms with different types of furniture from the modern art (coffee table, chair, lighting lamp, …) and completely redecorate your living room, bathroom, dining room or bedroom from the floor to the ceiling (tapestry, wallpaper, …) to lead the interior decoration of your home. The exterior decoration of your home is also possible using garden objects (bench, lighting, …). Christophe Coupé creates furniture and works of art inspired by his offbeat pop art style so that the interior and exterior of your home will have a design that is unique to you.


Porcelain by Valérie Delobal - Emotion, lightness and transparency

Valérie reinterprets the colors of the North in her creations. It sounds like nothing but this poetic approach explains a lot of the emotion felt when you admire his work. ceramist,
passionate about the beauties of our region, she has a crazy talent. Meet a woman of a thousand and one lives who chose to set up her workshop in Steenwerck in an inspiring little corner of nature.

Dare to change your life
Immediately the contact passes. A smile, a look, a connivance. Valerie welcomes us to her haven of peace. A place conducive to creation, relaxing and calm. We exchange in all simplicity, on her, her work, her passions. Before choosing ceramics, she led a life to one hundred per hour between fashion and photos, communication and deco. The click was made in half a day after an initiation in Tournai. Like a crush, she knew it was for her and decided to make it her job. 100% self-taught, she tests, learns and refines her style through hard work. She likes finesse, delicacy and transcribes in her creations with a rare subtlety.

The fragility of porcelain
Difficult to explain with words what we feel when we look at these hundreds of objects with soft and harmonious colors born from his hands. Like a message, we perceive patience, perseverance and humility. From the preparation of the mold to the final result incorporating the final color, a creation requires several weeks of work. Meanwhile, it will be passed twice by temperatures of more than 1000 degrees with several days of waiting between the opening of the oven and the moment when one can finally seize the objects. His work is both meticulous and sober, light and refined. Each of her creations has a unique dimension, Valerie is committed to it.

Artist and craftsman
And then there are the colors. White flour, litchi, melon, carbon, blue of you, rice powder, ice blue, a festival inspired by its environment like Old Lille or the sky of the North. She spends hours reproducing the nuance she has in mind. His magnificent deep black asked for nearly 100 tries. It allows time, the freedom to start again and again to achieve the desired result. Artist and craftsman combining fragility and firmness of gestures, everything is felt in his work. We dream of enjoying a dish in its ultra flat plates and pastel bowls: it will necessarily have a more intense flavor. Falling under the spell of his talent, renowned chefs from the region ordered their dishes like Nicolas Pourcheresse (restaurant Le Vagabond in Lille). A real honor for her. Her workshop is open to everyone: she loves to exchange, to share her world. You will also find a selection of his creations at Atelier Kumo and Gamme Blanche in Lille, So & Lo in Saint-André or Artside and Monday Studio in Brussels.

Extract from the “Pop Magazine # 32” edition September 2018

Delphine Vanpoperinghe-Logié

“Brute and realistic,

dense and powerful,

the sculpture of Delphine Vanpoperinghe challenges.

The emotions of the soul and the tension of the bodies are expressed with force.

The subjects evoke a questioning of human nature, between melancholy and revolt.

The bill is as crude as a three-dimensional knife painting would be

Make no mistake, this finish that may appear unfinished hides an anatomical work very successful …

A revelation “